Peace Presbyterian Church is a neighborhood-centered church in St. Louis Park, MN. We seek to grow in grace, live in peace, and serve the Lord in helping others. We welcome seekers and members of other denominations and faiths.
We are a neighborhood church with a social conscience.

Celebrate Christmas Eve with us on Sunday, December 24. We will have a regular church service at 10:30 am via Facebook/Zoom, followed by a traditional candlelighting service in the sanctuary at 4:00 pm. All are welcome!
Join us on Zoom:
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Our FUN and FREE 3B Exercise Program is on break right now, and will be returning on Tuesday, February 6, 2024. Classes are held at 2:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays in our Fellowship Hall downstairs in the church.
The classes include seating and standing exercises for all ability levels and is led by Jen Bach, a licensed physical therapist. Park in the parking lot behind the church. Roll through the church building using stairs or elevator. All are welcome!